Thursday, April 30, 2009

Randomness with Addie in April

At the park with Addie baddie :-)

Addie's NEW WAGON! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Fardig. Addison loves to go on walks in her wagon.

We love when Mr. Kael comes over to play!

Addison LOVES her Tyrone and Pablo!

At Grandma's house!

ANGEL GAME with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Nick and Auntie Adrian! Addie was such a good girl at the game. She loved taking her baby along too!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter with Addie baddie :-)

This year was technically Addison's 2nd Easter but it was the first one where she could dye eggs and enjoy her easter eggs hunts! By the fourth easter egg hunt, she was a pro!

We spent Saturday at Grandma and Ganko's house with Uncle Greg, Auntie Suzie and Gavin. We dyed eggs, had an easter egg hunt and opened presents! Spoiled, spoiled little grandbabies. :-)

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Easter Sunday was at home because this year it fell on Daddy's birthday! Addison wore her pink dress from Grandma and dyed more eggs and had another easter egg hunt! She wouldn't let Eddie get in her way!